
What does it mean to be a member at Departure Bay Baptist Church?
It means: You are a CHILD OF GOD through your faith in Jesus Christ and a member of the body of Christ. 
You have a faith story. Your faith story includes coming to understand that God’s grace is extended to you through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You have repented of your sin, you are trusting in Christ, you are filled with God’s Spirit, and you have the hope of a relationship with our Father both now and forever!
It means: You have made a public profession of your faith in OBEDIENCE to Jesus Christ by going through believer’s baptism.
You have been baptized by immersion, symbolizing the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that your new life in Christ brings. 
It means: You are willing to be a vital COVENANT member of the DBBC family.
Church membership a covenant agreement. It binds us together in love, to protect, serve, give and care for one another. The covenant that makes us belong to God makes us belong to each other.
We would love to know more of your story and look forward to hearing how God is working in your life.
If you want to know more about being a member at DBBC please contact Pastor Tim or Pastor Steve
For more information or to connect with us email us at