5×5 Prayer
This tool will guide you into a growing prayer life where you are both listening to and talking with God. If praying for a period of time is new to you, we hope this is helpful. Each 5 represents 5 minutes in prayer, often including praying God’s Word. Start with 1×5, your first five minute prayer block. On day 2 (or week 2 if that makes more sense to you) add 2×5, which equals 10 minutes. Continue adding another 5 minutes through all 12, which would be one hour of prayer. When you keep at it, every day, you will be pleasantly surprised at the time you are spending in prayer each day!
Download your 5×5 Prayer Guide here

1×5 Praise and Adoration
Read slowly through one of Psalms 145-150; read 2 times, praying through the second time. Pray these back to God in your own words. You might find yourself praying longer than 5 minutes!

2×5 God’s Vision (+ Praise & Adoration)
What passages come to your heart and mind as you think of God’s Vision for relationship with His Church and the world? Write these down and pray through them. If you are not that familiar with the Bible look up one or more of John 3:16-18; Matthew 28:18-20; Isaiah 61; Deuteronomy 6:4-9 (Remember to pray 1×5 and 2×5: 10 minutes).

3×5 Confession & Repentance (+1×5; 2×5; 3×5)
Use one of the following passages each time you reach 3×5: First time: Psalm 139:23,24 and Psalm 51 Second time: 2 Chronicles 7:11-16 Third time: Nehemiah 1 Each time, ask God what you need to confess and repent of, turning from sin back to God.

4×5 Praying God’s Word
You are now praying up to 20 minutes a day! This might be 18 minutes more than you used to pray each day. Where is your Bible reading today? Read a brief passage several times. Write in your own words, praying through it. If you desire, read 2 Timothy 3:14-17

5×5 Growing Disciples
For those who need to grow as disciples – people you care about who are wading in the shallows of faith. Read Deut. 6:1-9

6×5 New Believers
For lost people you know and love to come to Jesus. Read 1 Peter 2:9-12. Who is God asking you to pray for? To share Jesus with? To invite to read the Bible with you? Colossians 4:2-6 is also helpful.

7×5 Labourers
Pray that God will raise up labourers in the harvest. Read Matthew 9:35-38 as you pray. Who might these harvesters be? Ask God to show you and pray for them.

8×5 Watching
You are now praying up to 40 minutes/day! Remain alert to spiritual opposition and strengthen yourself with great verses. Read Romans 8:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 14:2, 4, 14 and 15. Be open to pray through those things that come to mind concerning the world. Make a note of things you think may be significant to re-visit in prayer.

9×5 Intercession
Read Genesis 18:16-33 and 1 Kings 18:41-46. These are great examples of others who have stood in the gap in powerful prayer. You can also pray through James 5:13-20.

10×5 Petition
This is for your own life with the Lord, your ministry, your personal needs, your loved ones and your church, ensuring that your requests are in tune with the Lord’s will. Read 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 and ask the Lord to increase your capacity for prayer and to enlarge your heart for the nation. Bring areas of personal concern before Him and be encouraged by Philippians 4:4-7

11×5 Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving for what God has done, and for what He will do for us in response to our prayers. Read Luke 17:11-19. Thanksgiving helps us to focus on God’s faithfulness. Confess all His spiritual, material, physical and external (that is, blessings in other people’s lives) blessings. Be very specific and note that this is an area that should not only be part of a prayer time, but a way of life. If you spend your days in thankfulness you will find the gateway to His presence so much easier to enter. Thank the Lord for our communities and for the many ways in which we are blessed. Psalm 103 will help with this.

12×5 Meditation & Listening
You are now praying up to 1 hour per day!! For you, this may be 50 minutes longer than you used to pray each day. You have been meditating and listening all along. This is an extended time. Read Joshua 1:8. Focus on God himself, on His word, His works, past victories and blessings, and on things positive and good. Read Philippians 4:8. Wait for instructions from the LORD and have a pen ready to write things down. Read John 5:19-20, 30 and Isaiah 50:4-5. Be open to revelation about yourself or the world.
For more information or to connect with us email us at equip@departurebaychurch.ca